Ryuji: “The Olympic Games, is the ultimate stage for many athletes. One day, I’d love to qualify for there and see what it really is with my own eyes.”
My first interview with Ryuji was 2 months ago. At that time, he taught me about his kayak ergometer trainings and on-water sessions, which he started since junior high school. Also, he told me how he has been focused on all these trainings.
It was interesting. However, I didn’t think those practical stories should come first when I begin sharing with his story.

― How do you spend your day recently?
Ryuji: I go to a morning training session from 9 to 11. After that, I take my online classes until about 4 pm, then I go to evening training sessions. I make much of the weight trainings for building up my strength, whereas for the aerobic ability, I do 2 hours of low intensity ergometer sessions, or high intensity training sessions, such as 6 times for 8 minutes. I don’t do on-water sessions now, instead, focusing on the weight trainings and ergometer trainings to build up my basic fitness.

― What does “sport” means to you at the age of 20 ?
Ryuji: For me, “sport” is very important. Although, it is not enough for learning how to live my life in the society. When I imagine if I suddenly get injured and become unable to do sport anymore, I don’t want to become worthless nor unattractive. So, I need to become attractive in other points as well, not only just focusing on my kayak trainings.
In the course at the university, I do some interviews to people who are working as they wished, and make the reports about them, which gave me a chance to think about my own carrier after I retire kayaking. I felt it difficult to make a living by sport. Or rather, by canoe sport, it should be far more difficult. Although as an athlete, it is necessary to devote myself on kayaking for particular years. Now as an athlete, I want to establish my own identity and start studying for my future. Some professional or licensed jobs are one of the better options.
When I was 17, I had a chance to join the lecture of Mr. Edward McKeever, the gold medalist in London Olympic games. At that time, one of his messages was “It is very important to think about your life plan after you retire kayaking”. I didn’t think that important then, but now, I understand a little more.

― How did you meet canoe sport?
Ryuji: Since when I was a little kid, I did swimming. When I joined the swimming team in the junior high school, my father advised me to do kayak ergometer training 3-4 days in a week after swimming training, as to become a faster swimmer. I didn’t actually recognize that was kayaking. It was when I was 14 years old that I first went on to the water in kayak. At that time, I realized I did kayak motion during these ergometer trainings. After a while, I needed to choose swimming or kayaking, and I chose kayaking. One of the reasons was that I felt I was able to win and aim for the higher level, which I couldn’t feel through swimming. A clear vision of winning let me feel athletic sports more attractive.
―What are you going to do to your future goals?
Ryuji: My objective is to qualify for the Paris Olympic games. To become an Olympian is surly very difficult. Though, the value of an athlete is not only that, but also, in the point of making these experiences connected to something: How you send a message to world, or what you leave for the world. Obviously, I should focus on my trainings. As well as that, I keep in mind to become a more valuable and attractive athlete.
“The Olympic Games, is the ultimate stage for many athletes. One day, I’d love to qualify for there and see what it really is with my own eyes. After retiring kayaking, I will connect these experiences to a brand new life of mine”

After the interview;
His words were impressive: “When I imagine if I suddenly get injured and become unable to do sport anymore, I don’t want to become worthless nor unattractive.” Devoting yourself to some sport gives many of the important experiences to your later life. On the other hand, not all of these are useful directly to your whole life. Professional athletes such as football players are said to “die” at the end of their athletic life. It is because they experience prosperity, maturity and decline just in 30 years, which a man experience throughout his life time. I can imagine the emotions and the thoughts they have gone through have a great meaning on their later life. Athletic trainings, preparation for the second life and all of these experiences. Ryuji can aim for the national level, thus has his unique point of view. Some other time, I will bring out his stories with his own words.
translated by Sakiko Emori
高校生の時にロンドン五輪チャンピオンのEd Mckeeverさんのお話を聞く機会があり、その時彼はこんなメッセージをくれました。「競技生活を終えた後の、第二の人生について考えることがとても大切だ」と。それを聞いた時は、あまり理解出来ませんでしたが、今は少しわかります。